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5 SEO Link Building Techniques

5 off Page SEO Techniques for Building Backlinks

Off page SEO techniques and link building go hand in hand. Here are the latest off-site SEO strategies for building high-quality backlinks to your website.

In the world of SEO, the importance of off page SEO techniques is no secret. However, in the real world, it’s largely ignored or done ineffectively.

Think of off page SEO as a way of building connections through multiple platforms. When done right, it creates mutually beneficial relationships and drives traffic and business.

But where do you start?

Here are 5 off page SEO techniques for building backlinks that actually work.

1. Be Responsive on Social Media

Most searches happen because an individual has a need that isn’t met (“where can I buy furnace filters?”) or they want a question answered (“how long does it take to drive from Chicago to Denver?”)

A user will then typically use Google’s Autosuggest feature to quickly find their answer. Afterward, they’ll head to their social media sites to do more research, ask questions and interact with friends.

Are you following where I’m going here?

Using social media as part of your off-page SEO techniques is a component you can’t miss. The more times your website is back-linked on social media, the more search engines will like you.

And it’s not all that hard. Here’s all you need to do:

Be available. Too many business owners have social media accounts that aren’t regularly monitored. This is a huge mistake. Always have someone monitoring your social media accounts so incoming questions can be answered quickly.

Act natural. Be genuine in your interaction. Don’t over-promote your brand or give responses that come across as robotic.

Be a resource. What vertical do you serve? Use your brand to act as a vital resource for that vertical’s social media community. Even if you don’t offer a service or product that you’re being questioned about, don’t be afraid to send them to a competitor with high praise. It will be remembered.

2. Foster Connections With Online Influencers

Not all off page SEO techniques are done online. In the case of building relationships with online influencers, this is best done face-to-face.

Most of us know what an online influencer is — they are everywhere on social media. They have built strong name recognition and have reaches that go into the millions. They also typically have deep connections to high ranking websites and are connected to many other influencers.

So what is the best strategy to connect with online influencers? Get to know them the old fashioned way: in person with a handshake and a smile.

Attend industry specific events that influencers will be attending. Then go talk to them. Don’t be brand promoting or looking for help right away. As with your social media interaction, act natural and be human.

After a brief conversation, exchange cards and let them know you’ll be in touch down the road with some exciting ideas.

Another way to connect with online influencers is through Tweets and group chats. This will put you on their radar but is not nearly as effective as the impact you’ll make face-to-face.

The entire point of connecting with influencers is to eventually get them to share your content. But this must be accomplished in a natural and human way, or you’ll drive them away before they even look at your brand name.

3. Utilizing Comment Blogging, Forums and Discussion Boards are Powerful Off Page SEO Techniques

Where should you go to get noticed by your target audience and the range of influencers that they follow?

Go straight to the most visited blogs in your industry and leave comments on the blog posts.

I’m not talking about spamming the comments section. I’m talking about leaving thoughtful, valuable comments that will get you noticed by other readers and contributors.

Recently, comment blogging has taken a dip because of the constant link spamming. Your goal isn’t to get a backlink into a comment, but rather to be where the action is and leave comments that get the attention of readers, bloggers and site’s editors.

This same strategy applies to Quora and Reddit. Simply follow topics related to your brand and get noticed for being a thoughtful, knowledgeable resource.

Give well-thought-out answers to questions and become a welcomed part of the communities.

This technique will drive people to search for your brand and eventually convert new customers. You’ll also begin to form more relationships with powerful influencers, which pays huge dividends in off page SEO. 

4. Never Guest Blog To Get Links

Yes, you read that correctly — and it’s probably the opposite of what you’ve learned in the past.

Instead of guest blogging to get links (which can create negative SEO), guest blog to build relationships with other brands, influencers, editors, and publishers.

When you approach guest blogging this way, the links will start to come organically.

Think of it this way: if a brand approached you wanting to write a blog post for your site and it was clear to you that the only reason it was being offered was the hopes of a backlink, how would you react?

Everybody appreciates mutually beneficial relationships so make sure you provide great content as though you were writing for your own site, and don’t ask for a backlink.

You’ll start to build some great long-term relationships that will drive organic backlinks that make a difference.

This is one of the seldom used off page SEO techniques that you now have in your back pocket.

5. Use Videos

We all know how popular mobile devices are. Internet searches are now done upwards of 60% of the time from a mobile device.

And what are people doing on their mobile devices? A high percentage are watching videos! In fact, by 2019 it’s expected that 85% of content being shared between online users will be in the form of a video.

This makes video creation one of the best off page SEO techniques now and in the future.

Create simple, engaging and relatively short video content. Keep them entertaining and let your personality shine through.

Then upload to YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and anywhere else you can find.

It’s not as hard as you may think.


As you now see, off page SEO isn’t that complicated.

While you probably won’t see an overnight windfall of traffic, these techniques will build your brand on a steady and stable pace.

It’s time to get on top of your strategy and become one of the top influencers in your industry!

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What is SEO

Below is a small list of links which will help you in your journey into search engine success, these articles will offer insight and valuable tools to help you leverage the web to its potential.

[ What is SEO? | What is a Rank Tracker | Google Change History | Shopify SEO ]

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Our Managed SEO Blog is a place you can learn SEO foundations, understand how to SEO your website properly and ensure that if you do outsource any SEO work your head is in the game so that you don’t end up losing your money. This blog is also a place we drop little SEO tips from time to time, these tips will help your website to become more healthy in the eyes of the search engines and therefore rank better in the long term.  At Managed SEO Sydney we have a 5 step SEO Framework which was developed to maximise the ranking possibilities of your business website. Most people just opt for backlinks, however getting quality backlinks is Step 5 of the process, without the foundational steps before hand you will see very little results across the search engines. Talk with us about how the right SEO can help your business growth!  Call us today on 1800 931 000