In the SEO industry there are lots of websites claiming to offer you the best SEO tools to gather your online intelligence.
After spending over 10 years in the Web Game (which I have migrated over to Managed SEO from since) these are the tools I use on a day to day basis to keep me ahead of the game.
Watch this page, I will add more to the list as I use and test them.
If you work out how to use them and get your onsite SEO up to scratch you will be able to skip Steps 1 – 2- 3 and start focusing on Adding lots of content to your website as well as backlinking the right way.
SEO Tools for Auditing Your Website SEO
We will start with the tools you need to Audit. When auditing your website SEO you can use the following online intelligence programs in order to gather the information which helps you discover the current state of your website SEO.
Majestic SEO is a site which you can use to find out about how may links are pointing at your website, which websites the links are on and the quality of those websites. It can give you a good amount of intel on your own site as well as the sites of your competitors. Its not cheap to pay for but its great for what it offers. is a website which is even more expensive, how ever it also allows for multiple reports to be printed and is usually used by SEO agencies to monitor their client SEO and Adwords campaigns, watch rankings and auto-generate reports. You can use this site to spy on your competitors, learn what they are ranking for and even get some insight into why!
Clicky Analytics is a great system where you can add code to your website and then track visitors, where they come from and what they do whilst on your website. There are many Web Based Agencies around the world who use it to keep an eye on their clients websites and give their clients the ability to sign in and do the same!
SEO Tools for Planning your Website SEO
Keyword Finder is one of my personal favourites as it gives me powerful accurate information about which keywords are getting the right searches in Google and how many searches they are getting. Its great to have but you really need to think about the motivation a search term is being searched. You can also do a certain level of Keyword Research with SEM RUSH (Above), how ever I much rather Keyword Finder.
Google Sheets is a wonderful program to share a spreadsheet with multiple people, use it to create spreadsheets which contain your website planning data. Use it to store Keyword Research from Keyword Finder (Above) and to plan your future content.
SEO Tools for Optimising your Website SEO
GTMetrix is a website which will test the loading speed of your website and then let you know what needs to be changed in order to get your page speed up to scratch. Web Design Cowboys hate this tool as is exposes their lack of knowledge or forces them to pay out money to have someone professional fix their website. If your website loads slow it will count against you in your search engine positioning.
Semrush can also run reports about where you are at and what needs fixing on your website. Your onsite SEO is foundational to your search engine success, learning about what is wrong will allow you to learn what needs to be changed in your Website SEO going forward.
SEO Tools for SEO Experts
ProRankTracker is a powerful “Search Engine Rank Position” monitoring software online. It is used by Small business, Large Business and even large Agencies are using it!
These SEO tools shown above are the exact set of SEO tools which are used by some of the most successful SEO Experts in the industry.
As well as these tools you should find the right blogs to subscribe to in order to learn the massive amount of information that is put out every day in order to do the best SEO you can do.
There are many other secrets in the industry which every agency will keep under their belt. One of the most powerful things we as SEO Experts have is our connections to the right people to get the right services.
If you have any questions about our methods or systems going forward feel free to contact us on 1800 931 000!