SEO Strategy Is Important!

In business, no one accidentally falls to the top. Every one of the most powerful business people on the planet clearly admits that they planned their success. And they are successful as a result of executing their plan with conviction. In the same way, you also need to plan your online domination. This is where you need an SEO Strategy or Keyword Ranking Strategy to help. An SEO Strategy is created by an SEO consultant who understands the rules of the search engines. As well as how to work with them in order to achieve the best results.
Below is the 5 step framework which was created by our SEO Experts in order to give you a roadmap of how to achieve results.

Step 1 – Audit
A Website SEO Audit will give you a strong understanding of where you’re at in your SEO strategy journey. You will learn what your Domain Authority Score is, whether your website is breaking any of the major rules of the search engines, who is linking to your websites and finally whether you are currently ranking for any important keywords that you may or may not know about.
Step 2 – Planning
Once You have the information about the current state of your SEO you will work on some solid research. Also creating a plan (SEO Strategy) to ensure your website is appearing for as many of the search phrases possible. You will plan the standard pages for success as well as the future blog posts in order to spread the major keywords wide for total success.
Step 3 – Website
OnPage (SEO) Optimisation is vital to the ranking of your website. It’s also the most overlooked part of most SEO Strategy. If you want to rank for a search engine phrase and don’t have it mentioned anywhere on your website you will fail. After all you can’t expect the search engines to read your mind – yet. Having a Website which conforms to the standard Search Engine rules is extremely important.
Step 4 – Content
Search Engines eat content all day every day non-stop. The Search Engines then use that content to work out who you are and what you’re all about. The more regularly you post quality content the more popular you will become with the search engines. Regularly producing carefully worded, deliberate content which adds value to your website visitors will give your website lots of authority in the search engine world. Content is a very important part of any SEO Strategy.