SEO Audit
Do you need an SEO Audit?
What is an SEO Audit? It’s usually a massive document full of words you won’t understand, its designed to make you feel stupid whilst boosting the ‘SEO experts’ authority. However we have a different method, we give real information that will benefit the website owner and empower better decision making.
So, hows your SEO going? Do you ever wonder what you’re getting for your money? The problem is that SEO is shrouded in secrecy. It often seems like they try to confuse you with technobabble.
Scott Nailon
The solution is an Accountability SEO Audit.
First, through the SEO Demystified video, I explain in plain English how SEO really works. Then I use SEO tools to give your SEO a checkup. By the end of the SEO Audit, you will understand SEO much more. And know whether you are getting what you’re paying for.
What is my Accountability Audit?

My Accountability SEO Audit is a service that will help educate anyone about the SEO industry itself. I will then dig around the internet using SEO tools. I will find out how well your SEO is being done and what needs to change about it. Once we finished you will be in a position where you understand what you are paying for.
You will know the facts about your SEO strengths and weaknesses. And if you are currently paying for SEO on your website you will also know whether you are receiving what you are paying for.
The Accountability SEO Audit is a no strings attached service we designed for the benefit of all who are paying for SEO services. If you have any questions after your audit we are more than happy to answer them. If you go through an Audit and still don’t understand SEO we will schedule a second call to talk through it with you at no charge! Managed SEO is committed to educating website owners about SEO!